Tuesday 11 December 2012

Key Thriller Conventions: from my own research

In todays lesson we were told to remember and note down the characteristics weve seen in the thrillers weve watched so far.
These were the most popular suggestions we came up with:
  • MacGuffin
  • Red Herring
  • Fast paced action
  • Chase scene: this scene is normally completed with Running or Driving away in a fast pace
  • Cliffhangers 
  • suspense 
  • Hero 
  • Villain >generallypowerful >genrally wants revenge
  • Femme Fatale > Most likely an young attractive woman
  • love intrest
  • Alcoholism: recreational >for the uses of desirable code names = 007.or an problem something that is against the hero
  • Hero has a weakness
  • There is a deadline to the threat
  • There is a problem to be solved
  • Scene settings: Tense settings are normally at Night which leads to having shadows and it being dark
  • The hero will have obstacles to face
  • Music is very important to a scene or generally the whole film: Diegetic >Undiegetic
  • Enigma
  • Subgenre
  • Death, there is normally the death of  an aquintance of the hero this could also be a obstacles
  • Injustice on the villains behalf
  • Unrealistic
  • Thrillers are normally quite short

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