Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Manchurian Candidate

In today's lesson we watched the most recent version of The Manchurian Candidate, for me this is one of the best thriller films we have seen as it is a psychological and political thriller , these types of thrillers are more appealing to me as it seems they have more depth,more of a plot, Psychological thrillers allow the viewers to ask questions and keep them guessing in this case its the only genre that is mentally fulfilling.

The novel and the two films have the same plot, A son of a prominent US political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for the Communist party. This plot sounds simple with pure action but it is actually very thoughtful and interesting.Overall this film is about power and the corruption of politics and how significant people of high society can manipulate and control people of lower social status with the promise of power when they are gaining the power themselves and being selfish.

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The 1962 film was directed by John Frankenheimer, with major stars like Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey and Janet Leigh.
A former Korean War POW(Prisoner Of War) is brainwashed by Communist into becoming a political assassin.But another former prisoner may know how to save him.
The poster of this film gives no real clues to what happens but we have some hints for example the man in blue can be considered as being full of thought , then there are the characters in red all being either hit or in some act of violence or shock, just by the poster you know that there will be violence and action. Another clue from the poster is female dominance and power next to the title there is a badge with a picture of the "queen"  from a pack of playing cards this could be signifying the power of the main characters mother and that she has a higher authority to the other people in the film including her hold on her son apart from the "king" which are the leaders of the right wing party who are currently and successfully manipulating and controlling her to do the same to her own son.

This clip above is the trailer to "The Manchurian Candidate" it is an effective trailer as it feels the viewer with curiosity this is achieved with multiple techniques.I think the most striking technique is the the music this has a strong effect on the viewer as if there is an impending doom to the film which makes the viewer even more interested and keen to see the film. The second technique is the clips that our shown from the film because they show you the peak time of the film but the effect of that is that you want to know what happened before you get to those scenes, since they are so eye catching they are the scenes that remain in your head and also admire. The third technique is the repeat that you wont get the film if you are late for it, this message is thoroughly emphasised when watching this trailer because the director wants the viewers to get the full effect of the film and just by seeing the more modern film I know the storyline is very complicated which also highlights the importance of the plot and makes viewers more interested. If I had seen this trailer I would feel obliged to go to the film very early so I do not miss anything and the trailer seems as if  it is a challenge to watch the film so you are drawn to watch it.
Throughout this clip from the film you see the obvious power of the character (Raymond's) mother and the obvious manipulation of her son. Within the first 20 seconds you see Raymond's defiance toward his mother, this can give us a type of hope that maybe Raymond isn't as manipulated as he seems or that the power of the evil hasn't taken over him,that maybe he is stronger than he seems. Angela Lansbury plays Raymond's mother and a truly strong role throughout the clip you see that she plays the cool villain role for example her character being seated at a high leather chair smoking has an instant image of power and grace of some kind and then she coolly talks to Raymond in a questioning voice that instantly puts doubts into Raymond's mind so he quiets down which makes her successful for example when she says "Raymond,...sit down" he instantly stops talking and takes a seat, another thing Angela Lansbury does which allows us to perceive her character as powerful is her grace and slowness when she walks up to Raymond her slowness makes us sense her self confidence and the slow silent period is tense. Laurence Jordan plays Raymond Shaw in the film and in the clip at 1:24 we see that he is trying to block his mothers voice and that he is struggling with her truth and some how torment then we realise this is a memory or a kind of confession of the event since there is a fade to another scene.
In this version Raymond jumps in the lake- after hearing a person say this in a bar,there is a inharmonious and discordant soundtrack as he walks to the lake this echoes and parallels his confused and troubled state of mind and reflects his state of manipulation as he still robotically walks toward the lake and his lack of self control.

As you can see from this clip the older version, who starred Angela Lantsbury as Eleanor, has a very powerful role and is very eccentric  and she's talking on to Raymond  her speech is very forceful, she is also very sinister.
Through out the film there are freudian ideas,Oedipus Complex, to modern society this is very disgusting and unacceptable I'm sure it would be in the olden days as well but the film is a lot more graphic than the recent version, for example in the novel Eleanor uses her sons brainwashing to have sexual relations with him just before the climax,but this scene was not acted in either film but was substituted with a simple kiss on the lips to suggest her incestuous attraction to him as incest is a touchy subject that the filmmakers didn't want to get into.

The Manchurian candidate (2004)
The 2004 version of this film was directed by Jonathan Demme with stars like Denzel Washington, Liev Schreiber, Meryl Streep and Kimberly Elise. The main difference in the plot with the 2004 version is that the War the former soldiers fought in is now the Gulf War which is significant as Jonathan Demme didn't just remake the film but wanted it to apply to the more current time.

The Poster of the 2004 film is more clearer and more direct than  the cryptic approach that we see in 1962 version you can clearly see Meryl Streep in white with red around her which suggests to us that she is evil with the use of red reminding us of hell and cold hearted by being in a black/white filter this also reminds us of the corruption of the city which outline separates the good and evil, then there is Denzel Washington in the blue filter which reminds us of the colder side but I actually thing that this is trying to signify Denzel's characters state of mind, that he cannot forget the past and is forever in a freeze, frozen in his past.

The later 2004 version sets the initial battle in Kuwait  which makes it more appropriate and immediate for the audience, the flash back to this scene is far more sophisticated and advanced than the 1962 version this may be just because there is a lot more you can do with film these days but I also believe Jonathan Demme also wanted an authenticity to the shot as if to clearly portray the turmoil of the soldiers had gone through.

The trailer is above is very different to the 1962 version as the current version has made the trailer more transparent to the plot and has told the viewers the facts to the film, although the other trailer limits the amount of information and clips from the film they both have the same effect where as you have curiosity with the other trailer there is more of a need to watch this film the clips make the film more adventurous. This more current trailer has a obvious highlight to the amount of power and the targeting of corporate companies where as the other trailer hasn't for example Meryl Streep's clips show her as the main reason the corporate company's are winning as she is allowing them to use her son (Raymond Shaw) as a pawn to power and introducing him to the heads of these companies. Having seen this trailer I don't find it has the same effect on the viewer but I do believe that it has the same draw to watch it and see the full film because although you know the basics you want to know the ending and what happens within the film.

When watching the clip above as a class we were truly shocked as we never expected such vile scenes but I think this scene is very important to the film as it shows us how brutal power can be on the victims and the violence upon the innocent, it also serves as an eye opener in the film not only do you want to know who did this but it also makes you more aware of the killer instinct before  0:17 we think that Denzel Washington's character (Major Ben Marco) has killed the man and we are shocked as we never expected him to be the person to do this, then we are shown the reality that this is an interrogation and his character is a suspect, you also see that the corruption as spread to the police as the only start recording the information about the "dreams" which suggests that they are being selective and collecting information for Manchurian Global. The police also take no notice of what he is trying to tell them until they seem like they are mocking him by calling him the "the real deal" and mock his past in the force this shows the lack of respect for the heroes of the world and how people are only considered normal when they are meek and do not stick up for what they believe in Denzel's character serves as a direct reality that suggests that you are never considered a priority then there is a higher powers hand in the matter also the other soldier who is dead show the result of power and the oppression of these high powered corporations on the people of low social status. There is low tone music in the clip which starts at 1:18 and slowly grows louder, this has an effect that makes us believe that there is a suspicious air in the room and as if there is a tension build as Denzel Washington's character tells the information he is certain of but is considered a "Psycho"and at 1:45 we have an indication that he is somewhat right from the silent woman who seems to be considering and doing nervous gestures when she hears of the implants. At the peck of the music and tension the character finally gives into the taunting and hits the police officer this suggests the cool can only stay composed until a final point where they finally loose it  this also suggests that he may be capable of the violence he is suspected of, and yet again we see the woman again who is yet again silent but so observant of the goings on that seem wholly suspicious.

This is the advertisement for the film to be viewed on channel 4, the most noticeable effect of the clip is the build up of tension as the music is like the beating of a heart which in turn makes your own heart beat a little faster as the beat of the music builds the tension and curiosity of the film also builds, like the original trailer there are many snippets of the film and clips of them which  makes the film more adventurous and obviously presented as a thriller giving you the basic idea of the plot but rather than it being perceived as a thriller it seems more like a action film. This is effective as it catches the viewers curiosity and you want to see what it is about I also believe that because it is a psychological thriller it has more depth to it which also makes the viewers of the advertisement want to see the adventure and the story of the film and the ending, the terror you get when you see this trailer is enough to make you want to see it. The use of props is very good and is good at making you curious because  of the goings on and symbolism for example the prisoners carrying the mini TV's with there faces on it the shots taken  from the film fit well and has a cryptic energy that makes you feel that you have to watch the film for example on the clip at the start to 0:06 because you originally see Major Marco is in an interrogation and his being denied with constant "No's" and then the man's voice raises until we have a new shot of the battle this has a good effect as it suggests the oppression of civilians leads to the battles or wars  and that the people of a higher social hierarchy: the oppressors and company owners are who cause chaos and disruption.

Opening Scene
Instead of the leading actors on fake grassy mounds in a film studio like the original 1962 film the 2004 version has a more realistic battle scenes due to CGI which allows us to have realistic looking Explosion and Night vision scenes that make the attack within the film real and more believable,Personally I believe CGI is an amazing thing as Alfred Hitchcock wanted films are made to make the audience feel the adventure and CGI appropriately and successfully makes us the viewer believe what is happening in the film can happen in real life, we are able to dip our toes in the cold water of fear.

Production Values 
It is seen from statistics that the production values of films today have increased, the 2004 version of this film, floods the screen with red in the "flashback" scene that suggests the subconscious mind and blood as blood and death is associated with war the colouring of red can also signify danger and this applies to the film because not only are they fighting for survival but Major Marco is fighting evil, also there is a background of non-diegetic music that sounds like blood pumping around the brain in the flashback that builds the tension of the scene. In the clip below there is meant to be a happy scene a type of reunion but with the use of Non-diegetic sound there is a tense almost restrained energy that its purely suggested just by the music, this shows the effects of music and how they can effect a scene.

The plot to this film is all about brainwashing but Brainwashing scenes are very difficult to film and different within the two versions.

Above is how the brainwashing scene was filmed in the 1962 version of the Manchurian Candidate, as you can see in this version you have the POW sitting on chairs in front of communist soldiers then the editing switches from the soldiers to ladies at a tea party which demonstrates the hypnosis and that looks may be deceiving the ladies look nice but actually they are the men who are experimenting on the soldiers and that you should be wary of everyone, you are also talked through what is happening by the experimenter. In this clip if you look at the backdrop you can see well known and common leaders of China and Russia who oppressed there people and are considered evil this clearly shows that these people from these corporations are not genuine people and they actually want the worst out of people. The Modern version has a slightly more obviously sinister with more graphic imagery and more slightly horrific scenes of brain implants with drills, also when Marco pulls the implant from between his shoulder blades and bites Raymond Shaw's shoulder to get the implant from him to, these scenes are very graphic and can be one of the most memorable parts of films in general the absurdity and the craziness of the scene can have a big effect on the audience.

The older version of the film had the press in one room which is simple and relatively cheap which was convenient as production values were a lot cheaper and less money than it is now.As you can see through the clip below :

Where as the modern version of the film has spliced real footage from party conventions to make the film and scene have a much more realistic effect this is a great effect as it allows you to understand that these type of things can happen in real life and it is our reality this is also projected with the imitation of real news programmes like "Fox".

Stereotype's are used regularly in older films as there were set ideals in those times that were passed on through film, although modern films have some stereotype's the older stereotype's are not considered and film makers try to dodge stereotype's as it is cliché. In the 1962 version of the Manchurian Candidate is full of blatant racial stereotypes for example dangerous and mysterious men were made to be from the east, Asian man who was cast as a servant and a token black soldier these stereotypes are very cliché and are disappointing to modern viewers as time has changed the older version would be seen as less socially acceptable. Where as the modern version does not fall for the stereotypes of the olden days for example there is a black protagonist and a multi-racial society, In my eyes this is purely because of our newer stereotypes that do not involve the ones of the past, the modern film successfully applies to the 20th century which makes it more appealing and more pleasing as well.

Paranoid Thriller's
A paranoid thriller generally known as a conspiracy thriller is a sub genre of thriller fiction, most commonly the protagonist of paranoid thrillers are journalists or amateur investigators, In the Manchurian Candidate the protagonist is Major Marco, a former POW but is forced to take the role of a journalist to find out the truth this also makes him the resourceful hero, The protagonist often inadvertently pulls on a small thread which unravels a vast conspiracy that ultimately goes "all the way to the top" in the Manchurian Candidate Major Marco originally looks into the dreams the soldiers have been having which  leads to the brainwashing conspiracy and the corporation behind it and revealing corruption.
The representation is a "hard/masculine man" who has the respect of other men in the 2004 version although this is displayed through the presentation Marco does it also displays the forgotten soldier as the children were uninterested. Major Marco is accustomed to danger and has a brave history in the army, although this is true in the latest version the leading characters do not act as if they have a violently challenging past and act very repressively and seem they are unstable which makes there sanity easy to challenge and be suspicious of.
In many paranoid thrillers there are strong women role models especially in the Manchurian Candidate such as Meryl Streep (Senator Elena Prentis Shaw) and Kimberly Elise (Eugenie Rose) characters, women were referred to as "broads" in the film this reference is a word a slang which is normally offensive and means a promiscuous woman, in some cases this fully applies to the women characters of the film as they use seduction and take advantage of the male characters to get what they need for example Eugenie forms a relationship with Marco to not only get information but keep an eye on him and Elena seduces her own son and there are hints of a sexual relationship. Both characters are promiscuous and sneaky but both intentions are entirely different Elena believes she is protecting her son but is actually damaging him more but Eugenie is genuinely protecting him.
"The director elaborates and makes the film bigger than life: sadder, darker and stranger than real life" I agree with this statement as the director, Johnathan Demme,  makes the film very surreal and the furthest away from "real" life and in some ways although it is surreal it all makes sense, and as we find out  that there have been real life assassinations and brainwashing which shocks the reality into us.

The prominent picture of Mount Rushmore on the backdrop in the final scene invites viewers to make comparisons and ask questions about the past and present political leaders and corruption.

Key Scenes
The assassination scenes are very important in the film and important to the plot:
  • Murder of Senator Jordan: The modern film differs from the original,drowning in the water creates a dream like state by the remote lake, drawing comparisons, also Johnathan Demme said he wanted the scene to symbolise the fact that the main characters were drowning also. the fog represents the lack of clarity with the characters as they experience information overload and their dreams are ambivalent. The use of non-diegetic music enhances  the tension as Raymond approaches  the lake to kill his next victim; this is key to the thriller genre, there is always another victim.simplicity in editing and close up camera shots reflect Raymond's hypnotism and his manipulated state.
  • Marco shoots Raymond and Eleanor(final scene):The film's climax comes to a head when Raymond realises his soul is corrupt, therefore he decides to sacrifice himself and his mother to eliminate the possibility of becoming owned or operated on again, this is a noble act in some ways as he sacrifices himself and has a conscious for what he has done.There is a undercurrent of freudian ideas with the inappropriate relationship between Raymond and Eleanor, the oedipus complex.   
The Manchurian Candidate 1962 and 2004
Although there are many differences in the films such as the battles and general stereotypes to fit into the new times, there are still similarity's between the two films and the most important is the messages about society, both films refer to social and historical context with tension and threat, communism and the power of global companies and corporations and how they are a threat to democracy overall showing the corruption of politics and business.
Both films utilise a variety of genres for example it falls into psychological,paranoid and political thrillers which is good as it allows there to be a chance of more viewers.
Power is very important in both films as it is one of the main points throughout the film, the effect of power, in the older version of the film Raymond's mother Eleanor plays the main role of power as she manipulates Raymond but in the newer version the power is represented in a more global scale and is applied to our times for example by making the enemy global companies and corporations
The enemy in both films is peoples greed for power in the films its the companies and Eleanor  as they both use there power against people and especially those who are vulnerable to them in forms of manipulation of the mind.
This can be applied to our reality as there have been real assassinations due to people having power and political reasons

Star power/ roles
In the modern film, Raymond's mother has a far larger role than in the older version, this is because Meryl Streep is an A-list star and is believed to sell more tickets and earn more for the film, whereas in the older film Frank Sinatra was the star and was believed to be the A-list star. Another difference is that the main role is shared between Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep

Interpretations and purpose of  The Manchurian Candidate
You could name this film a film made purely for entertainment but I actually believe the Manchurian Candidate was made to enlighten some of the audience or to appeal to the people who actually believes in conspiracy's or secret organisations, I think there is a serious message within the film that is trying to put across and the message is that  if you stay determined, look deep enough and believe in yourself the truth will come out  sooner or later.
The film also refers to McCarthyism which is the practise of making accusations of disloyalty, or treason without proper regard for evidence, it also means "the practice of using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism" the term originates from the period in the united states that lasted roughly from the 1950-1956 and it is characterised by the increased fears of communist influence on American institutes and espionage by the soviet agents, this has a strong link to the plot of the film and is basically what the film is about that everyone isn't as they seem.

I personally preferred the recent version, I think this is because it was more dramatic and modernised, in some way I guess its a lot more thrilling as all the events that take place are made to seem as if they are actually happening in real life I also think that the 2004 version was more psychologically stimulating and actually makes you think whether the goings on in the film are possible which we find out it is and there are many conspiracies.The difference between Manchurian Candidate and other thrillers must be the sense of surrealism and reality at the same time which is very stimulating to the mind and I love psychological thrillers so I think that is why it has been better than most thrillers i've seen.


  1. Wow Funda! Your blog is looking great! Your work on the Hitchcok films and the film language elements is excellent! Keep up the good work!

    Miss T and Mr W

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