Thursday 21 February 2013

Survey Results

Today we had to compare our results of our survey we did a couple of months ago, sadly I only had 10 replies but that is enough information to compare but is not enough to generalise to more than the 10 people, I am hopping that there will be more people answering the survey, I am surprised that there is only 10 responses but I am also not surprised because I guess people see surveys as a waste of there time, so ill put it on Facebook as a link again.
Result Analysis
As you can see from the results of the question above although we cannot generalise this because its only 10 people but you can see that the people interested in my thriller blog was 16-21 years old this could also show that thriller movies are mostly viewed by 16-21 year old, but this can only be briefly linked.
This shows that most people who visited my blog like thrillers, this is probably because anyone who looks at my blog is also a media student or is also interested in thriller films.

The results above support that thriller films are very popular and especially amongst 16-21 year old's and anyone else who answered the survey, this can also suggest that our target audience are 16-21 year old's.
Apart from some quite rude and unhelpful answers than iv'e covered there was some really helpful information about what people look for when they watch a thriller and what attracts them to the film in total
Apart from some quite rude and unhelpful answers than iv'e covered there was some really helpful information about what people look for when they watch a thriller and what attracts them to the film in total, this can guide us to what we need in our own thriller opening.
This question purely guides what direction our thriller opening should take and allows us to find out what kind /genre thrillers are preferred within the audience as you can see the majority of votes have gone to crime and psychological thrillers so that is the direction we will try to put our film in. 
I was curious of what films my audience had seen and what kind of thrillers they had seen so I could compare it to my own experience with thriller films,this will help me in our direction with our own thriller as I can get a hint of what type of thriller the public want and like and what we should try to characterise or embody in our own film.
I was curious of what the audience deemed a bad thriller because no matter how much you think something has worked in a film or even a short clip there will always be someone who is unhappy or unsatisfied and this is one thing that I wanted to stay away from and that is a reason why I asked this particular question just like the later one I wanted to find out what we as a group should stay away from.

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